Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bike Assist!

Hey Readerz,

No longer will this blog be ignored! Apologiez.

Since Big B is now residing in the excellent city of Berlin, it seems only fair to mention the most important part of living in any good European Caplital, 'The Bike Assist.'

Take an average attracive girl, place said girl on a bike, et viola, girl is hotter! This is not a coincidence, bikes have been known to have this property for some time!

Since Germans can ride bikes as soon as they are born, FTFZ has heard from a reliable source that Germans are given a bike as soon as they have come into the world, a German who cant cycle cannot become a citizen! This means that there are many ladiez riding bikes in Berlin!

Anywayz, heres a pic,


Big B

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Who doesn't love trouble...

Hey patient readers,

It's been an absolute age since we updated either of our blogs (there's a third one somewhere too i think..) so to make up for it, we'll be doing something to cause a bit of hysteria in our social circles.

Anyone that's come into contact with myself and my two fellow blog writers know that i get a twisted pleasure out of causing trouble and fights and letting rumours get out of hand. It's part of why people love me :D But for those who don't, they understand that it's best to keep me busy so i don't end up making my own trouble ;)

So during a recent window where the 3 of us were swamped with thesis and exam work, we took it upon ourselves to draw a chart of all the most exciting rumours, fueds and who-hates-who among our friends.

We took it upon ourselves to get the dirt on everyone, and when it all comes together, our nearest and dearest put the trashiest soap operas to shame.We did have a few limits though. At certain points, we had to take each other's friendships and love lives into account, even if the actual chart is for our eyes only.

While the A2 sized, all info inclusive model has yet to be created, it's nice to see how people relate to each other. And as sappy as it is, the FTFZ team all got to let loose with a few personal secrets they were holding on to.

What can i say: we make our own fun ;) Any thoughts? apart from 'you're worse than Pol Pot'...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Legoz R teh Winz!

Ever since the internet let people share pictures of sad/pointless things they have built, a hardcore number of lego users have started using the internet to share their crazy inventions with each other! While undisputably cool, some of these things seem kinda pointless.

No this guy though!!! Tyler Clites has dedicated large portions of his time to modding lego figures to look like movie characters!!!! The results are pretty awesome!

Do a Google search for him and check out his other creations!

Big B

Monday, December 22, 2008

Spacepod Party?

Yup, spacepod party. Hey peeps,

I won't really get into it but....

no words here, i repeat, no words here
= spacepod party.
Knowing how the Knex Party went (there are several people who have many a thing to live down from that night - Knex is an awful lot of trouble when you get twisted and start jogging nude), FTFZ has high hopes for this bold, Christmas-time venture.
Credit for the concept should partly be given to Save Our Shoes and their inability to get out of my shower in their drunken state. Full report to follow from whoever remembers the most.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Teh Hawtz

Lily Aldridge
Giovanna Mezzogiorno

Eishia Brightwell

Beyoncè Knowles

Ana Claudia Talancon

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm bringing welly, back

The Welly

The welly since it's inception in the 1900s by none other than the Duke of Wellington, is a constant staple to the proletariat and at times has risen to become a shameless flamboyant colourful fashion item to bourgeosie and more recently to the masses, thanks to Pennies chainstore.

We at Findteh Corporation are pleased to announced the arrival of a new use of the beloved Welly. Here we propose and Semiotic symbolic use of the Welly, as a term of encourangement and expression to do one's best to achieve the desired outcome. so tell all one's peeps, ya ya ya, the welly is back, it's not just for those festivals, "GIVE IT SOME WELLY"

Peace Out!

VV (Mr.A)

Friday, October 17, 2008


This baby is awesome! Its pretty obvious now that its been done, but wow... What the hell was the guy thinking when he made it. At time of writing he appears to have facebook meets and stuff going down! It MUST be a fad.

You probably heard it here first!


Big B