Friday, October 10, 2008

Top 5

Rumour has it we are obliged to do this. My top five however is going to be my favourite scientists ever. Since Sonic C has been telling me to do this with an almost creepy regularity, its time...

First up is Nikola Tesla. Responsible for all kinds of things like the modern electrical grid, AC power and the tesla coils in Red Alert, this guy knew his electromagnetics. He almost nearly invented an electric death ray. Pity he died halfway through.

Number 2 is Euler who did all kinds of wonderful things with exponentials and trigonometric functions. He is so old school he was around before the photograph.

Third up is Einstein. We all know what he did, for those that don't, if you would please stop moving, you'll die faster.Next is Schrodinger. He made an experiment using an imaginary cat in an imaginary box. What happens in the box? No one knows. Thats the beauty of it.Finally is William Shockley. He kind of invented the transistor. That makes him one of the most influential men ever.

I hope you enjoyed that folks! A few more posts like this and the blog will be truly relegated.

Big B

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